~Here's my sweet escape^^~

Friends + Family = Everything

Monday, July 26, 2010

Moving to Subang

Model burning ceremony~! :D Burned our model after semester break~! Only me and yangyiaw took part.

16th 八月,第二年的生活就在subang开始……才在pj生活了一年,现在又得搬了。

终于要搬了~ 真头疼啊! 在这生活了一年,东西果然不少。已经收拾了一个晚上,丢了不少东西,还是这么多呐!


p.s: dislike ss15 :'(


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Love my dad

What a super nice father! Just received a call from baba and he told me that he already open an Australia bank account for me in order i could used when go oversea study. :D

Well, bad news is i should study hard start from right now to repay my dad. <3 Somemore asked me never come back once i leave~just be their citizen~gosh =.=

I'll never let you feel disappointed...

Here i come UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s: finding the joy of IA~ looking for the passion
